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  You are at the site: Section No. I Program No. 3
  Music and Guitar


Music and Education


Music Computers and Internet



Working with music

A major part of this program is dealing with music itself, with sounds.

We will download some free programs from the Internet, which will enable us to open midi music files and see notes and instruments. First we could, for example, switch musical instruments so that we are able to hear the music on the file with instruments we ourselves have chosen for each part.

We will also download a program with which we can write notes ourselves. At first we will write music with long rhythmic values, such as one and a half notes.  We will listen to major and minor scales and even write some short major and minor musical phrases. Later we will add some more rhythmic values: quarter, eighth and even sixteenth notes. 



Music Computers
and Internet

5th - 12th grades
The concept
Teaching the basics
Working with music
Individual work
An Internet site

More Education Programs:
Music Day
My Ancient Guitar
MY Ancient Harp

Other Sections:
Play Guitar
Guitar compositions
Studio for Guitar

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We could choose a certain drum and write a rhythm for it. Then we can add a line of notes above the rhythm, and this will be our first composition. By working in this way we can understand concepts like: major, minor, chord, basic rhythmic values, accompaniment, transcription, improvisation, rhythms and composition. The learning process will be accompanied by personal experience, listening to music and improvement.

The process of studying music programs consists of the following stages:
1. A brief introduction presenting the main functions of the program.
2. Listening to simple music files, which we will download from the Internet.
3. Discussing the rhythms we have listened to and viewed, and reaching conclusions.
4. Performing a melodic line of our own following our conclusions, with additions and personal elaboration.

To the next page: Individual work

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