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"Just wanted to say that I really like your site. I've been searching for a good guitar teaching site and there are just so many out there. After checking out I've decided I like yours the best. I actually already know how to play guitar. I just don't know the theory, notes, tabs and things like that. Makes me wonder how I ever learned in the first place! Also, I'm very interested in becoming better at picking notes. Thanks for this interactive guitar lesson. I'm looking forward to becoming really skilled with it. I've never really felt all that comfortable playing my guitar, maybe I'll discover some of the reasons why as I go along. Thanks again, take care. Bye for now"
Becky Young

N. Lahav recommends the SAVAREZ New Cristal - classic guitar strings


An e-mail I have just got:
Hi I'm a 16 year old, very interested in guitars, I have taken up some classes on them for about 1 to 2 months, I accidentally stepped upon your site, and trust me, It's is amazing, It's much better than my classes. I showed it to my teacher, and even he was getting tips from it. I really appreciate u making a program like this one. Keep up the good work!
Thanking you, friend.

Guitar article No. 2 by N. Lahav - A quote article from the earthlink by Mrs. Debora Jeter

Naftali Lahav is a classical guitar soloist, composer and guitar teacher in Israel. Naftali agreed to contribute to the topic of Music Education by writing this article. I hope you enjoy the insights of this creative and talented guitar teacher from Israel.

Increasing classical guitar awareness through schools, private teachers, and music courses

Until five or six years ago, I was teaching guitar with a traditional, classic guitar approach. My guitar students played fine and many of them graduated from the Music Academy in Israel. Some of my students became guitar teachers and some kept playing. In Israel, we have a major problem of not having enough classical guitar pupils. There are more going to electric guitars via Rock, Blues, and other styles, but not Classical and not acoustic guitar. All of these categories are justifiable art forms. One shouldn't say "Classical guitar" is to be placed on a higher level, because what matters is whether the music is being played well or not. We could compare this with writing text. Whether you are writing with your pen or typing with your computer, what is important are the ideas and the style you will use and how well you communicate. What you write with, shouldn't matter. However, as a classical guitarist, I do care about a few things like:

Direct Touch - Where your string controls the sound without electric intermediary You have the ability of playing anywhere, such as under a tree, without the need of electrical sockets. Also having the ability to playing a soft and natural sound that is not dependent on a button.

All this thinking brought me into a long, deep thought process resulting in the realization that is a 'New Music Education' that I have developed. It has already worked very successfully in Israel. Its name: The New Music Education Project. In this program, each pupil constructs an eastern Kit-Guitar for himself. We design a modular Kit-Guitar that can be easily glued together into a wonderful music instrument.

By self-construction, the pupil feels very close and attached to their guitar. He or she wants to learn how to play a few songs. They find it difficult and can't play. That's where we come in. We guide them in groups, how to sit, how to hold the instrument, how to place their left hand, how to move each finger independently, in short ...HOW TO PLAY!!!

At the end of the program we give a concert for parents, sisters, brothers, friends and the other pupils. In this concert, we have some solo pieces "composed" by a few advanced pupils, one or two etudes for full orchestral class and some songs accompanied by our Eastern guitars. At the end of the program, each one takes their instrument home. A few of the pupils from each group will turn to classical guitar studies.

This project can used by any musician playing guitar, violin, cello or mandolin. Today we run this project in 20 elementary schools. The teachers have full support from us. Some can come to our studio for guitar for perfecting their style. Some get help via e-mails telephone, fax and letters. In the last three years, we have taught 19000 pupils using this method. This year we will start support private guitar teachers running this method for young beginners, as a pre-guitar instrument.

In the next article - My philosophy and it's applications for teaching guitar.


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