
Our Brochure...

Be a partner!
And help activating the programs at yours school

 Partnership With Us
We are getting quite a lot of applications asking for activating “The New Musical Educational project” in schools. But as it coming to the funding… things are getting slow…So we are now offering YOU to help making the programs alive-up-and running in the school you are involved. Your involvement - for the benefit of kids at school - is giving us the motivation to give our share.


 The New Music Educational Projects includes four programs:
  My Ancient Guitar  
1. My Ancient Guitar
Constructing and Playing one string guitar [Grades: 4 up to 9]
  My Ancient Harp   2. My Ancient Harp [My Ancient Harp]
Constructing and Playing Three strings Harp [Grades: 2 up to 4]
  My Mini-Guitar    3. My Mini Guitar
Constructing, decorating and play a tiny guitar [Grade: 1 and music days for all ages in summer-camps]
      4. Play Guitar
Teaching guitar in groups at schools and music courses
  Who can suggest partnerships?

A. Educational Inst, Music inst. Foundations and Education promoters.

B. Parent's involvements and
Involvements caring about education.
C. Schools Headmasters and Music teachers.
To work together as partners, we shell follow three steps:
1. Contact The New Music Educational Project, developer Mr. Naftali Lahav and brief that you are interesting in partnership for activating a program in a school you are involved with.

2. We shell then contact you back, and we'll work together to make the whole program's package ready. Then we'll summarize the whole details in writing. Please visit "Joining the Programs" Page.

3. We'll now make all the arrangements with the school's Headmaster and the music teacher and enjoy following as the programs progress till the final concert - which you respectfully will be invited. 

Contact Us:

                  Your Name:   

                                Your Email:  


Or send me an email:  

  Other ways to contact The New Music Educational Project:
1. By email: [Please, place 'NAFTALI' in the subject line - thanks]
2. By mailing to: Naftali Lahav: P.O.Box: 0216 * Kibbutz Mizra * ISRAEL 19312
  3. By Tel/Fax: + 972 4 6429756

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