Principles of Playing
  Teaching in a group

  I. Basic Knowledge

     1. Sitting position
     2. Holding the Plectrum
  3. Plectrum style
     4. fingers-style plucking
     5. Our notes' sings
  6. Tuning
     7. Qualities of sounds

  II.  Playing

    1. Contents of playing
        a) Playing one string
        b) Playing two strings
        c) Playing accompaniment
    2. Creativity
         a) General
         b) Composing
         c) Composing board
         d) How to improvise
 e) Imp. with drawing
         f) Progressing   
  III. Music pieces
      Go to the Pieces...


The New Music Educational Project My Ancient Harp Playing [Creativity]


Improvisation with drawing
We can combine improvisation with creative drawing:
The subject of this lesson would be: “Music and Moods”.

Each student will receive half a sheet of paper and we will suggest drawing freely a face expressing one of the following moods/emotions (none of the students should know/see what the others have drawn).


The students will be asked to write their names on their drawings and then we will collect the drawings. Now we will ask each student to try and describe the mood he has drawn in sounds (it is recommended to demonstrate a “happy” motif, a “sad” motif and a “crying" motif).


The teacher will then stand in front of the class with the drawings in his/her hands so that he/her alone can see them and ask the student whose name is on the first drawing to play the tune he has written (composed?) for his drawing. When he has done, the students will be asked which mood the “composer” was trying to express, after which his drawing may be shown to everyone. This is repeated for each student (and drawing).

We may elaborate the game so that it includes scoring. For example, success can be determined if at least 2/3 of the tunes have clearly represented the drawings. We might write a score of 10 points when most of the moods have been identified by the class. We can also withhold a score in case most of the class did not guess correctly - because the tune did not describe the drawing appropriately (as judged by most listeners).

We can later develop this activity and describe seasons or characters in a short story we will read (for example fables) or animals (such as a turtle, a lion, a monkey, a bird, etc.)



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